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How to Use RWD to Measure the Clinical Impact of Medical Strategies

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With Komodo’s no-code MapView solution, you can objectively assess whether your engagement is moving the needle on HCPs’ clinical behavior.

Medical Affairs teams are becoming well-versed in how to use real-world data (RWD) to accurately pinpoint key opinion leaders, identify unmet needs, and design medical strategies that will facilitate better patient care and health outcomes. But using RWD to answer the question, "Are these strategies having the intended effect on HCP behaviors and patient outcomes?" — has proven much more challenging. 

As a result, teams default to reporting on soft metrics such as the number of HCPs engaged and perception surveys or, conversely, on high-level shifts in the industry that take months to see, such as scientific share of voice. While these metrics that measure engagement volume and “knowledge change” are important to capture, they fail to depict Medical Affairs’ contributions to improving population health. 

Introducing MapView
MapView™ is Komodo’s no-code software solution that empowers Medical Affairs teams to generate data insights and analytics. It includes an NLP-based AI “chat” assistant and a library of dashboard templates, the newest of which is HCP Engagement Effectiveness (HEE).  

With HEE, teams can measure the cumulative impact of engagement tactics on HCP clinical behavior using RWD and six patient outcomes-based indicators (KPIs). Here are a few examples:

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How It Works:  A Control Group Methodology
To use the HEE dashboard, users follow an intuitive five-step process. For example, let’s say your MSLs have engaged HCPs in the Crohn’s disease space to provide education that helps facilitate earlier diagnosis, and you want to assess whether the interactions have affected diagnosis patterns. 

  • Collect your engagement data (with NPIs).
  • Map your engagement data to Komodo's analytics.
  • Select a KPI metric from our list of six outcomes-based options. In this instance, you might choose “Change in New Patient Counts” or “Change in Total Patient Counts.”
  • Define your patient population of interest (e.g., in this instance, Crohn’s).
  • Define your parameters (e.g., geographic region, specialty, community vs. academic setting, etc.) to create a control group of unexposed/unengaged HCPs for objective comparison. 

The dashboard will generate results that enable you HEE Launch Blog _Tabletto quickly and easily assess any changes in clinical behavior to refine strategies in real time. It’s that easy! View the control and variable groups simultaneously in a bar graph or choose a line graph to see changes over time.

Watch an interactive demo of the
HCP Engagement Effectiveness dashboard!


Finally: Capture the Full Impact of Medical Affairs
Medical Affairs professionals are increasingly challenged to objectively quantify the impact of engagement strategies. With Komodo’s data, solutions, and services, you’ll gain confidence in your strategies and be able to demonstrate your value to the organization:

  • Rely on our industry-leading Healthcare Map™, which captures the complete and comprehensive journeys of more than 330 million unique patients in the U.S., enabling you to assess changes in HCP clinical behavior and patient outcomes. 
  • Leverage MapView’s no-code environment where every member of your team — no matter their level of technical expertise — can generate insights quickly, facilitating agility and speed in decision-making. 
  • Use the HEE dashboard to test, measure, and refine your strategies, i.e., personal (MSL interactions, conferences) and nonpersonal (emails, webinars, social media) engagement. 
  • Access industry expertise with our Customer Success and Managed Services teams, which offer a range of services — from strategic thought partnership to hands-on guidance — to meet your needs. 

If you’d like a personal demo of our HEE dashboard or would like to learn more about how we partner with Medical Affairs teams, just let us know!

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