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The Best Healthcare Insights Are Hiding in a Sea of Nuance


We humans love our superlatives. The world’s tallest building. The fastest street-legal car. The best coffee machine on earth. We rely on superlatives because they are easy to recall, have a way of burrowing into our heads, and simplify decision-making. But superlatives are merely heuristics that don't always lead us to the right decision. Truth, as they say, is often hidden in a sea of nuance.

In the world of healthcare data and analytics, we have a love affair with big numbers – the most patients, the most procedures, the best coverage. At Komodo Health, we often lead with the fact that we already have the industry’s largest and most complete, integrated view of de-identified, real-world patient data, capturing the healthcare journeys of more than 325 million patients. We're proud of this, because having that much data – integrated from across hundreds of traditionally siloed sources – means that we can solve problems at a national level, drawing on representative samples of patients from all demographic and socioeconomic groups and in all care settings.

But nuance is where the fun really begins. Yes, a large number of covered lives is essential for any kind of real-world research, but it’s also the depth, diversity, and timeliness of the data that allow us to shape policy, make better healthcare decisions, and improve patient lives. And, importantly, deeper insights often hinge on the ability to connect our Healthcare Map™ to new and exciting sources of insights, from wearables to genomics. In the data-driven, digital-native healthcare landscape, we need to go beyond just building a database: That data needs to be accessible in real time, cost- and time-efficient for the organizations that need it, and paired with analytics that are powerful and flexible enough to answer new questions every day.

Unlocking Patient Insights With Prism and Sentinel

That’s why we’re so excited to announce the launch of Prism and Sentinel, Komodo Health’s two new analytics applications designed to help enterprise healthcare teams develop insights and algorithms based on detailed patient behaviors and treatment patterns with an unprecedented level of precision, ease, and flexibility. Prism and Sentinel are powering the next generation of machine-learning innovation to solve complex challenges, like pinpointing rare disease signals or identifying underserved cancer patients for clinical trials.

Prism is designed to create highly specific cohorts from our Healthcare Map while maintaining intuitive analytic functionality. Users can quickly test hypotheses, create prospective patient cohorts, and generate insights specific to those cohorts. Sentinel allows teams to dive deeper, integrating their own proprietary data alongside Komodo’s Healthcare Map to further explore hypotheses, create new predictive models, and unlock richer strategic insights based on that information.

Why does that matter?

Powering Richer Enterprise Analytics

First of all, it means that analytics teams have access to the largest patient-oriented Healthcare Map available in the U.S. to drive their innovation and algorithms. And they have the ability to easily layer in their own proprietary datasets on that data to add depth and nuance. This ability to seamlessly combine proprietary data with third-party data is a game-changer.

Take, for example, a scenario in which two different life sciences companies – developing drugs in the same therapeutic area – both use our Healthcare Map to identify specific patient populations who are most likely to participate in a clinical trial. But one is targeting patients who are further along in their disease progression and may have been previously misdiagnosed, while the other is trying to spotlight patients at the earliest possible stage of their disease progression. Despite having many common attributes and a common end goal, the two sets of patients would be decidedly different groups.

By pairing Komodo Health’s highly granular patient-level insights with information on patients already enrolled in their trials, these companies would get a much more precise snapshot of the population, incorporating valuable information such as physicians with whom they may already have a relationship, patients at a certain stage in their disease progression who may be eligible for a trial, or patients who may not have had access to a new therapy.

That flexibility and ease-of-use in how Komodo's Healthcare Map is accessed and augmented with other patient-level cues also empowers multiple stakeholders across an organization. Commercial teams can quickly obtain specific patient cohorts and providers to optimize launch, HEOR teams can analyze prescribing patterns and outcomes to conduct cost-effectiveness studies, and clinical teams can target specific populations for trial recruitment. Sentinel is the one data-native technology backbone that can power all of this, reducing cost, improving insights, and creating the foundation for a patient-centered future.

By putting this level of analytics horsepower in the hands of life sciences professionals, we are helping them deliver more finely tuned and timely information to providers, speeding the development of breakthrough drugs and creating better treatment options for patients.

Transforming Healthcare

Together, this combination of our Healthcare Map and the ability to infuse Komodo into enterprise workflows is critical to driving the digital transformation. This is so much bigger than the world’s largest Healthcare Map – it is about providing the depth of insight across the most representative map of human health and the flexibility to build custom analytics enabled by Komodo's robust platform.

We are thrilled to bring nuance to the discussion. Healthcare needs more insight than what legacy aggregators offer today. It needs depth, diversity, and timely access to insights through cloud-native software that makes it easy to deliver outstanding value to patients.

To learn more about how Prism and Sentinel can advance your life sciences strategy, click here.

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