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Open vs. Closed Claims Data: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Why You Need Both

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There are two main categories of healthcare data used to cull insights that drive Life Sciences’ decision-making: "open" and "closed." 

Open vs. Closed Data-2-BUTTONTraditionally, teams across the product life cycle chose to work with one over the other, depending on their roles. Commercial experts, for example, historically leveraged data from open claims and other sources that could provide directional guidance without delay, enabling them to remain agile in highly competitive markets. Conversely, research teams focused on evidence generation and healthcare resource utilization preferred to work exclusively with closed claims data because of its completeness. 

But as the healthcare market has evolved, so have legacy practices. Increasingly, teams are using both types of data to maximize insight generation and increase confidence in their decision-making. You can, too.

Download our article to see how you get the most from each data type.

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