Join us in our mission to reduce the burden of disease

For ten years, we've been the trusted partner for healthcare and Life Sciences, delivering comprehensive solutions that address pressing questions and unmet needs.

Connect with us today to see how your teams can: 

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    Unlock comprehensive healthcare data with real-time patient journeys of over 330M unique individuals in our innovative Healthcare Map™

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    Accelerate your data-management timeline by 4-9 months using pre-integrated specialty data with MapEnhance™

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    Harness the power of our AI-enabled MapLab™ platform, featuring versatile no-code, low-code, and high-code workflows for seamless enterprise solutions

Komodo HealthcareMap

Talk to an Expert

Komodo HealthcareMap


No Code Required: Define, Build, and Generate Payer Insights

Listen in as we introduce MapView™ for Market Access teams. Our new solution delivers a no-code option directly into the hands of Market Access professionals.

Learn How:

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Discover the payers that matter to your therapeutic area
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Identify top potential HCPs and HCOs based on payer population



Assess competitive trends across your market basket by payer channel, payer, and HCP/HCO

Request Your Demo

Why Choose Komodo Health?

Answering healthcare's most challenging questions begins with transforming real-world evidence into actionable insights

330M+ lives, with an average of 7 years of patient journey data

lives, with an average of 7 years of patient journey data

16M healthcare encounters added every day

healthcare encounters added every day

698 hospitals/owned facilities' itemized charged data

hospitals/owned facilities' itemized charged data

10K unique health insurance plans

unique health insurance plans

60+ data sources and 14 linked MapEnhance™ partners

data sources and 14 linked MapEnhance™ partners

160M closed, linkable lives

closed, linkable lives

265M patients with self-identified race and ethnicity

patients with self-identified race and ethnicity

6.5M individual HCPs and 1.7M unique HCOs

individual HCPs and 1.7M unique HCOs

76% Mx-to-Rx match rate

Mx-to-Rx match rate

100% medicare data through our CMS QE status

Medicare data through our CMS QE status

23 years of publication and clinical trial data

23 years
of publication and clinical trial data

8B+ lab records

lab records

  • 330M+ lives, with an average of 7 years of patient journey data

    lives, with an average of 7 years of patient journey data

  • 16M healthcare encounters added every day

    healthcare encounters added every day

  • 698 hospitals/owned facilities' itemized charged data

    hospitals/owned facilities' itemized charged data

  • 10K unique health insurance plans

    unique health insurance plans

  • 60+ data sources and 14 linked MapEnhance™ partners

    data sources and 14 linked MapEnhance™ partners

  • 160M closed, linkable lives

    closed, linkable lives

  • 265M patients with self-identified race and ethnicity

    patients with self-identified race and ethnicity

  • 6.5M individual HCPs and 1.7M unique HCOs

    individual HCPs and 1.7M unique HCOs

  • 76% Mx-to-Rx match rate

    Mx-to-Rx match rate

  • 100% medicare data through our CMS QE status

    Medicare data through our CMS QE status

  • 23 years of publication and clinical trial data

    23 years
    of publication and clinical trial data

  • 8B+ lab records

    lab records

Success Stories
Michael Townsend
Michael Townsend
Research Director
Life Sciences Commercial Strategies
“Komodo’s full-stack platform approach enables a comprehensive foundation for healthcare analytics, allowing Life Sciences and healthcare companies to generate critical insights across the industry.”
Joey Mattingly Hex
Joey Mattingly, PharmD, MBA, PhD
Associate Professor Research Director
University of Maryland
“With Komodo’s research-grade insights and technology, we will now have unprecedented visibility into the full range of factors that contribute to healthcare outcomes, including the historically overlooked role of social determinants.”
Tom Haskell
Tom Haskell
Global Head of Innovation, Data, and Analytics
“Komodo allows us to unlock richer insights by integrating our own data with the Healthcare Map, all on the Sentinel platform. In our experience with real-world-evidence research, this technology has played a pivotal role in offering a timely, comprehensive, and accurate view of patient journeys to drive evidence around disease burden and health outcomes.”